I visualize concepts and connect people in a process of collective learning.

My focus is on building communities and creating designs
for progressive people and institutions that want to make
a positive impact on society.



Hi there, I’m Veronica!
I lead connection and positive change by bringing people together. My role is to initiate this impact by connecting people through creating communities, events, and offering visual support or consulting to bring ideas alive and fun.

Feel free to contact me at comin.veronica@gmail.com if you want to bring creativity and innovation to your work life or create a solid and vibrant community.

Previously: team member of the social media department at Amnesty International and problem-solving designer at Clarify.

I bring Creatives together with

Photo taken by Eva Schweizer


  • Concept development, Storyboard, Illustration, Motion Design, Brand identity, Restyle

  • Event coordinator, Speaker hunter, Fixer, Workshop designer and facilitator, Project management

No project is too big when you have a solid network! I work closely with professionals to expand my services and meet the needs of projects coming my way.

Ready to bring creativity to your next project?